Karla Moreno. Master Student. Her research interest includes artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, semantic web, social learning analytics, and cybersecurity.
Joandny Aldana. Master Student, visual artist, His research interest includes artificial intelligence as a tool for artistic expression, point of connection between art and science, design, art direction, experimental techniques.
Gerlyn Eduardo Duarte. Magister Scientiae. His research interest includes, Telecommunications, Technologies for the Inclusion of people with disability and people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Neuroeducation, Smart Environments, Industry 4.0, among others.
Alberto Garcés. Magister Scientiae with knowledge in Artificial Intelligence, telecommunications.
Diego Mosquera. Magister Scientiae. His interest includes: big data, distributed artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, data engineering, Emergent System, Autonomic Computing, Linked Data, Social Analytics, Semantic Web and Cloud Computing.
Carlos Cuartas. Magister Scientiae with knowledge in finance.
Sara Yepez. Magister Scientiae with knowledge in maintenance engineering, and business management.
Omar Buendía. Magister Scientiae. His research interest includes: Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing, Smart Classrooms, Operating Systems, Semantic Web and Social Learning Analytics.
Santiago Mejía. Master degree. His research interest includes: demand forecasting system, ensemble learning, feature engineering.
Diana Correa. Magister Scientiae. Her research interest includes: Machine learning, Combinatorial Optimization